കൂടല്ലൂരിൽ ആദ്യം ..
[hr]Scanning back through Kudallur’s history.. Let’s take you few years back..!
Tippu Sulthan Road
Road connecting Thrithala and Kankapuzha was known as Tippu Sulthan road. Earlier it was just an ordinary path built using red stones. Bullock carts were the only main vehicle used during those times. Soon cycles became more popular in early 1930s. Goods were transported to Ponnani through Bharathapuzha using boats. The road was then rebuilt in 1970. Mainly four cars from Kudallur (Hillmen Racer KLP 344 – Dr.P.T.Gopalan Nair, German Opel MSC 2194 – Justice Govinda Menon, Hillmen – Pallimanchalil Muhammad Unni & Ford KLP 17 – Dr.Achutha Menon ) were on road in earlier times.
First Bus Service
Bus service through Tippu Sulthan road was started in August 31, 1960. BMS (Baghavathi Vilas Motors) was the first bus on this road. Before a bus named ‘Murugan’ connected Palakkad and Ponnani. Later more services named TMS and Palakkal was on road. When Government buses also started service in the area, transport facilities got much better.
Since terms of minimum guarantee has to be signed for electric connection, hundreds of houses in Kudallur were electrified only in later 1970. Parakulangara Appunni Menon’s efforts were the key behind electrifying houses in areas of Kumbidi and Kudallur.
Radio and Gramaphone
It was found that radios were used in this area earlier at Kumbidi ( 1937, in a house named ‘Ayodhya’ ) and then later in Kudallur ( in Pallimanchalil House ). Gramaphone was given for rent in Koottanadu and Kumaranellur areas at those times. These gramophones were brought into Kudallur occassionaly.
Shridhar Talkies was setup in Kudallur during 1977. Earlier, people from Kudallur used to see movies from Ponnani ( from end of 1940s ). The theatre was started to increase the income of Panchayath under the ownership of Manchapra Kalathil Shridara Menon, MT Balan Nair and Thentheth Padmanabhan Nair. ‘Shri Murugan’ was the first film played here. Central Pictures films were mostly played here. Shridar Talkies faced a good competition from Babu theatre at Thrithala. In between theater played some KPAC dramas and also some marriage functions were held here. The theater which also had release of a digital satellite film (Moonnamathoral) is now transformed to an auditorium.
Earlier, the only studio in nearby area was at Tirur. Most people came familiar with camera through group photos taken during school times.
Arunodhayam library was started in 1960. People in charge of library in beginning were P.Appunni Menon ( President ), P.M.Kunchutty Sahib(Vice-President), P.K.Abdul Kader, M.T.Ravindran Manchapra (Secrateries ) and Shridara Menon (Treasurer). Library started functioning in a room above Pulikkal Stores. At times, it also published a monthly magazine called ‘Grama Deepam’. The library now functions in its own building in a place donated by M.T.Achuthan Nair in memory of his daughter Geetha. The library which is listed as ‘C’ Grade is now having about 6000 books.
Post Office
In 1961, Kudallur post office was started at Muthuvilayam Kunnu. At present, post office is functioning at Kootakkadavu centre.
Telephones were introduced in Kudallur during 1970s. Two years before Kudallur telephone exchange introduced broadband internet facilities.
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